Blog - Ergonomics

Hello and welcome to Ripples, the Lakeside Blog page. Here you'll find regular postings on a variety of topics which we hope you'll find interesting and/or of practical use, all lying within the Lakeside Physiotherapy and Ergonomics remit. Enjoy!

The Mouse Trap

Screen based infra-red eye-tracking technology is becoming more commonplace but is still far from mainstream in home or mobile computing. In the interim to move that pesky cursor from pixel A to pixel B we remain stuck in 'the mouse trap'. Sit back, smile and say 'cheese' as Jason provides a snapshot of the humble computer mouse.


Stand and Deliver!!

Unlike the picture of Dick Turpin here electric raising desks are not a matter of legend, they're available now and being used increasingly in progressive-thinking offices. Also, like most tech, their price has reduced in recent years and the cost is no longer 'daylight robbery'. Here in the latest Lakeside blog I examine the many reasons to use them so saddle up Black Bess, ignore the awful puns, and let's get ready to 'Stand and Deliver'!!!


The Cowboy and the Coccyx

Despite the modern requirement to base one's work upon 'evidence based practise' as a healthcare practitioner, sometimes objectivity just goes clean out the window. Yes, it's time to sit back and relax and enjoy another tale from the LP&E annals.....


Caught Flat-Footed

Sometimes an injury or problem straddles the worlds of Ergonomics and Physiotherapy and can be used to highlight their inter-relation on a simple level. This month Jason looks at the potential problems caused by having ‘flat-feet’, from both Musculoskeletal and Systems perspectives.
